Principles of information security

The effective and appropriate protection of information and information systems against risks to confidentiality, integrity and availability ensures the performance and the competitive position of the company, trust with customers and business partners as well as the company's public reputation, and is therefore an indispensable part of the company policy.

  • We are aware of the extreme importance of information security and act accordingly.
  • We take systematic precautions to reduce risks.
  • We specify clear responsibilities for information security.
  • We implement appropriate measures in the company to ensure information security. We check compliance and effectiveness on a regular basis.
  • We protect internal and trusted information against unauthorised access and unauthorised change.
  • We respond immediately to security issues according to the situation.
  • We ensure the availability of information systems based on the requirements of the business processes.
  • We take precautions to continue business operations should information systems fail.
  • The regulations on information security are being specified and communicated to employees, suppliers, business partners and customers.